To The Silent Entrepreneur.

His goal is to use his story and the stories of others to help give people real support and content designed to help everyone connect with the platform. Many of his guests are famous sportsmen and women, fellow entrepreneurs, TV personnel and people in the public eye.
From 3 paper rounds at 13, dropping out of school at 15, working as a commision only salesman as a teenager and now a successful multi- business owner...
Arran Kirton’s career spans 17 years, working for other businesses in various senior roles before sitting down and deciding to start Guru Technology. Born from his dining room table, Guru are a telecommunications, IT and insurance provider based in Northamptonshire. His goal was to create an organisation that helps revolutionise the way business is conducted with customers. A company that is different and puts the control back into the customer's hands, rather than in the clutches of corporate businesses that do not have their best interests at heart. A business where flexibility, creativity and opportunity are championed and a strong family-oriented DNA sits at the core of its success and future growth.
Arran is now a multi business owner, broadcaster and a competitive sportsman and a devoted family man and holds passion, trust and pride as vital components to business and his personal life. Arran has always been a keen self developer in all aspects from books to video content, but finds most of the content available now fit for social media only and feels it doesn’t depict an honest representation of real life, both personally and in business.
The Silent Entrepreneur is set to change the “Instagram life” dynamic and bring some honesty to the world of broadcasting!